Questions / Comments: sabrina.savage [at]


HOP Proposer:    Deng

nd7 [at]

As Primary Proposer:

HOP 203:


Chen, Xin; Deng, Na; Lamb, Derek A.; Jing, Ju; Liu, Chang; Liu, Rui; Park, Sung-Hong; Wang, Haimin, 2015, Development of technique to detect and classify small-scale magnetic flux cancellation and rapid blue-shifted excursions, RAA, 15, 1012

Deng, N., Chen, X., Liu, C., Jing, J., Tritschler, A., Reardon, K., Lamb, D., Deforest, C., Denker, C., Wang, S., Liu, R., & Wang, H., 2015, Chromospheric Rapid Blueshifted Excursions Observed with IBIS and their Association with Photospheric Magnetic Field Evolution, ApJ, 799, 219

Deng, N., Chen, X., Liu, C., Jing, J., Tritschler, A., Reardon, K. P., Lamb, D. A., Deforest, C. E., Denker, C., Wang, S., Liu, R. & Wang, H. 2014, Chromospheric Rapid Blueshifted Excursions Observed with IBIS and their Association with Photospheric Magnetic Field Evolution, ApJ, 799, 219 (9pp.)
Deng, N., Tritschler, A., Jing, J., Chen, X., Liu, C., Reardon, K., Denker, C., Xu, Y., & Wang, H., 2013, High-Cadence and High-Resolution Ha Imaging Spectroscopy of a Circular Flare's Remote Ribbon with IBIS, ApJ, 769, 112

HOP 304:

No HOP productivity information provided.

* As Co-Proposer:

* HOP 147:

No HOP productivity information provided.

* HOP 176:

No HOP productivity information provided.